Principles of Working with Animals ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Principles for Working with Animals In the case of using animals bred by humans for experiments, the following licences (permi necessary: 1. The accreditation of the breeding facilities where the animals are kept. 2. The researcher in charge of the experiment must be a certified expert in experiment des carrying out experiments in accordance with ยง 15d par. 3 Act No. 246/1992 Coll., on Animal amended. 3. The approval of the specific experiment itself, which is granted by the departmental st on the basis of a written application (e.g. see here [ URL " zvirat/pokusna-zvirata"] ). Not every observation, measurement, or manipulation with animals is an experiment with ani of the aforementioned Animal Welfare Act No. 246/1992 Coll. In the sense of the Animal Wel experiment is only a situation in which the animal is at risk of being hurt or may experie stress, bodily harm, etc. If the research done on animals is not an experiment in this sen necessary to apply for the aforementioned permits. If they should mean to carry out research on animals, the researchers of the faculty shoul application using the pertinent forms (to be downloaded here [ URL " mze/ochrana-zvirat/pokusna-zvirata"] , in Czech). The Committee for Ethical Research of th Humanities, Charles University will then evaluate the application and decide whether it is in the sense of the Animal Welfare Act. If not, the researcher receives this standpoint in can commence research. If they find it to be an experiment in the sense of the Animal Welf necessary to submit an application to the departmental authority, who shall then approve, the application to be supplemented. What is key in this decision is the ratio between the of suffering/harm to the animal and the significance of the research in terms of the expec scientific knowledge, etc. It is also ascertained whether the goals could also be attained of animals, whether all measures of limiting their suffering have been taken, etc.