Philosophy ****************************************************************************************** * Ongoing Call for applications for support of scientific and creative activities to devel disciplines within the Cooperatio PHIL in 2025. ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** * Who can apply for support ? ****************************************************************************************** Academic staff of FHS UK who are part of the Cooperatio PHIL program at FHS UK can apply f on the application form [ URL "FHSVEDAEN-58-version1-eng_coop_phil_2025_form.docx"] and re (manuscript, publishing contract, confirmation of acceptance of the article for publicatio Ph.D. students in the Cooperatio PHIL program can also apply for support. Ph.D. students m applications only with written approval from their supervisor! Without this support, the a not be accepted for consideration. ****************************************************************************************** * Which projects can be supported under this call? ****************************************************************************************** All supported research and scientific projects are to be carried out during 2025. Types of projects supported: · • Publication of an article/paper/monograph, • travel (participation in a conference, research and study stay, etc., which should resul publication), • purchase of materials and equipment necessary for scientific and creative activities, • purchase of services (translation, proofreading, graphic or editorial work, etc.), membe professional societies, subscriptions to professional journals, conference fees, etc. ****************************************************************************************** * Terms ****************************************************************************************** Applications are submitted on an ongoing basis. The Cooperatio PHIL Board considers applications at approximately 14-day intervals and the also take place within approximately 14 days. Applications submitted during the summer months will be decided at the beginning of Septem are urgent. Applications for funding for projects and projects to be considered urgently are therefore be submitted as soon as possible. ****************************************************************************************** * Application method ****************************************************************************************** 1. Fill in the application form [ URL "FHSVEDAEN-58-version1-eng_coop_phil_2025_form.docx" 2. Together with relevant attachments (manuscript, publishing contract, confirmation of ac the article for publication, etc., and in case of Ph.D. students, a written statement of s application from the supervisor), send the completed form to . 3. State "PHIL – Call" in the subject. ****************************************************************************************** * Instructions for completing the application form ****************************************************************************************** Applications submitted under this call for proposals shall be made using the following for 1. Applicant´s name and surname. 2. Other individuals involved (in the case of students, their supervisor, or other collabo UK, or service providers - translators, proofreaders, graphic designers, etc., if already 3. Name of the Department in which the applicant works or studies. 4. The affiliation of the applicant to the specific Cooperatio under which he/she is apply support. 5. Name of the project (e.g. title of the article, monograph, in case of a business trip e conference, in case of membership name of the society, etc.). 6. Short description of proposed project and schedule: a brief description of the intentio the creation of a scientific or creative achievement (or result), with emphasis on the pla output, together with a timetable for the implementation of the intention. In the case of to a conference or workshop, please indicate the name of the event, the location and count and the start and end of the trip (this may differ from the start and end of the conferenc travel time). 7. Description of the planned publication or other reportable output: please also indicate and in which journal (publishing house) the planned publication will appear. Publications scientific output. In case the application concerns the making available (publication) of outputs in the final stage of development (publishing costs, royalties, peer review, Open proving the relevance of the application (e.g. manuscript of the work to be supported, or publishing house, confirmation of acceptance of the article for publication, etc.) are rec of the application. 8. Total amount requested: always enter the total amount here, in CZK only. If you plan yo foreign currency, use the current ČNB exchange rate [ URL " in this form. 9. Short justification of requested funds: when planning your expenses, please take into a considerations. If your plan includes more than one item, please break them down individually. If your application involves payment abroad, please note the following: - Purchase of a book from abroad: ADD 10% of the book price (VAT). - Purchase of any other goods from abroad: ADD 21% of the price of the goods (VAT) - Publishing a book abroad: ADD 21% of the total price (VAT) - Fee for attending a foreign conference that you are attending ONLINE: ADD 21% of the pri (VAT). If you are attending an event (conference, workshop...) abroad in person, you do not need The same applies to staying in foreign accommodation (e.g. when attending a conference or foreign field research). If your application involves a study / business trip, please note the following: In the case of study / business travel, academic staff of FHS UK is legally entitled to a of a certain amount. This should therefore be taken into account when budgeting. Please pa the information provided on the website of the Department of Business Travel [ URL "https: FHS-1126.html"] . In the case of travel by a person who is not employed by FHS UK (a stude entitlement to meal allowances does not arise and therefore cannot be applied when plannin budget. ****************************************************************************************** * Application assessment process ****************************************************************************************** A board assesses the submitted applications, including representatives of FHS UK in the re PHIL Council and Head of the Department of Philosophy. The board reserves the right to req additional relevant information. The board decides on the approval/disapproval of funding any adjustments to the proposed budgets. Application Form [ URL "FHSVEDAEN-58-version1-eng_coop_phil_2025_form.docx"]