Research Evaluation

Scientific research is subjected to an evaluation both on national and academic level (within Charles University).

Research evaluation on the national level is held by the Board for research, development and Innovation (Rada pro výzkum, vývoj a inovace – RVVI) and all public research institutions enter this process. This evaluation uses special methodics (Metodika hodnocení výzkumnýchorganizací a hodnocení programů účelové podpory výzkumu, vývoje a inovací), that has been approved by the Czech Government on the 8th of February 2017 (Metodika 17+). The evaluation consists of 5 modules – quality of particular outputs, effectiveness of research, societal relevance, viability, strategy and conception).

So far there has been held 3 years of implementation phase of the national research evaluation (2017-2019). Currently the submission of self-evaluation reports for modules M3-M5 is being prepared.

In spring 2019 the internal evaluation of creative activity of the Charles University has started. Its goal is to get more information about current situation of the academic activities at the University and on the basis of this information to present ideas for future development. The quality of each of the science fields among the whole University is subjected to the evaluation as well as the quality of research activities of every faculty. The internal evaluation uses many criteria and data, especially extensive peer reviewed evaluations, bibliometric data and self-evaluation reports.

Last change: February 17, 2022 13:27 

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