Personal Identifiers

Due to Rector´s measures all members of academic staff and PhD students from FHS are obliged to create following personal identifiers:

ORCID ID - the identifier you can create and manage

Researcher ID – this has to be created by authors who have their publications in the Web of Science database. This identifier can be created and managed here:

Scopus Author ID – this identifier is created automatically when you have a published result entered into the Scopus database.

Personal identifiers Research ID and Scopus Author ID are necessary to link to the identifier ORCID ID.

Important Notes / Obligations for Authors:

For all identifiers, the FHS CU must be mentioned in following English version: Charles University, Faculty of Humanities. After that you have to include the English version of your workplace´s name in your profile.

If you have some publications registered in the Web of Science database, it´s necessary to assign them to your Researcher ID and then add them to your ORCID profile.

If you have some publications registered in the SCOPUS database, find your Scopus Author ID (created automatically when you have your publications registered in SCOPUS) and modify your profile in this database (assign your publications in the database to the identifier, or merge the profiles, which could be more than one into one profile).

If you have Researcher ID or SCOPUS Author ID or both of them, you have to link them to your ORCID ID and transfer over you publications ORCID data.

It´s necessary to include in your ORCID profile all valuable scientific publications (books, chapters, articles in reviewed journals, proceedings etc.) which are not registered in WOS or SCOPUS.

Send your ORCID ID via e-mail to the responsible coordinator of the faculty - Monika Baďurová (

When you publish, mention your ORCID ID with your text, if possisble.

More informations, instructions and videoinstructions (in czech) you can find here:

Last change: February 17, 2022 13:10 

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