Committee for Ethical Research

The Committee for Ethical Research of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University

In relation to the pertinent Rector’s Measure No. 74/2017, to the Code of Ethics of Charles University, and to the practice of the Ethics Committees of each faculty of Charles University, the Committee for Ethical Research of the Faculty of Humanities was established in 2018 on the basis of the decision of Dean Ing. arch. Maria Pětová Ph.D. (Measure No.10/2018). Professor PhDr. RNDr. Helena Haškovcová CSc. was named as Chairperson, and Mgr. Renata Wilflingová was named the Executive Secretary and Committee Administrator. The first founding meeting was held in October 2018.

The Process of Submitting Applications for the Ethical Evaluation of Project Proposals

An application for the evaluation of a research project is submitted using the electronic application form or a form in Word format in case you do not have a university login application form. If the external agency that the project is submitted to should require an ethical evaluation using its own form, the applicant uses this form, while also filling out the data that is not included in the form of the external agency into the form of the faculty. The filled-out applications should be sent electronically along with any attachments to the address of the Administrator of the Committee for Ethical Research of the Faculty of Humanities:

Mgr. Tomáš Renner, Ph.D.

Research Administration Department of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University


An informed consent must contain the goals of the research, the research methods, the schedule of the research, and the expected benefits and possible risks for the research participants. It is always necessary to emphasise the adequate protection of personal data, as well as the fact that respondents can withdraw from the research, even without giving their reasons for doing so. After a previous oral agreement, the respondent must have enough time to pose any questions that they might have related to their possible participation in the research, which must be answered to the full extent. It is suitable to also keep in mind an adequate time period for the respondent to decide about their non-/participation. In some research projects, it is not efficient to work with a written informed consent. It is always necessary to explain the reasons why it is not suitable or possible to work with such a consent in the submitted application.

For further informations please read:

Statute of the Committee for Ethical Research of FH CU

Principles and Rules of Personal Data Protection (Rector's Measure No. 16/2018)

Code of Ethics

Principles of Working with Animals

Informed Consent Examples (in Czech)

An application form for the Evaluation of the Ethical Aspects of a Project Proposal

Last change: January 24, 2025 09:12 

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